Sunday, August 16, 2009

Snack Time!

Zachary enjoying his goldfish! Look at that smile! And he's so sweet, he's offering me one!
Yeah....goldfish! When we say, "Yeah!" We usually get clapping to go along with it. You can see I caught Zachary mid-clap.
We have been practicing some signs with them...Hunter, here, is signing for more.

Our boys love snacktime.


Shirlee McCoy said...

What joy! They are absolutely perfect.

You're doing a great job with your boys!

Sharon and Michael said...

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE to see the boys. Theya re so cute. Reminds me of our "chunky monkey" (Eli) we adopted last year. :)

Mommy Relcuk said...

Just linked here from RQ site.
Holy Moley! These boys are cuties!
I have NSN twins adopted in Jan 2007.

Read your post about sleep - I think it is just the nature of twins - there are two babies and if each wakes up 2 or 3 times a night, that means mom gets up 4 or 6 times. For us, it got better once they were through the worst of teething - around 18 months.

I will also add that while the early months home were difficult and at the times terrible, looking at your photos makes my heart feel wistful and all I remember is how wonderful it was when my girls were that age.

You are doing a great job. Hold on and just try to grab sleep when you can. Take help from anyone who will give it to you!!

JMCS said...

Your boys are absolutely darling and so adorable. I just saw our post on RQ. Such sweeties! :)
