Tuesday, April 19, 2011

They saw a rainbow!!!!

Wooohoooo! My boys saw a rainbow!!!! My boys have some vision issues.....that don't really effect us, but it is a fact of their lives. I have gone along thinking my boys may never see stars without a telescope, they may never be able to drive, they may never see a rainbow.....

But they DID see a rainbow. It was a small one in our yard caused by using the hose to water the garden. The sun was shining, we were watering, and suddenly Zachary shouted out "RAINBOW!" It was a faint rainbow. Not a brilliantly gleaming one.....and he saw it....and then he called Hunter over...and he saw it too.

It really was one of those things that is so simple that most just take for granted. But I am rejoicing this small pale rainbow, this rainbow that on prior days would not have phased me. Today. I am thinking that this is the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen.


Anonymous said...

Amazing...my little boys are going to surprise everyone as they grow. I'm so happy to hear this news. They are the gold at the end of the rainbow!

Grammy C.

joanna and scott said...

That's fantastic!!! They are amazing little boys. Can you believe it's been almost 2 years since our journeys to China!!!